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SaaS Elevator Revenue Clinic

Why Choose a SaaS Elevator Revenue Clinic to transform your SaaS Revenue?

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Revenue Clinic


We take an unconventional approach to transforming your Revenue Function.

Every revenue challenge you encounter in your SaaS business, you need to have a more powerful machine that has systems, processes, positioning and psychology all woven together.  Not just one machine but 5 of them.

When every person's mindset in your SaaS business is tuned in to the power of the impact of your SaaS offering and the 5 machines of your business are tuned in, then you will begin to operate at a higher level.

We share what we know works and together we build a broad solid Revenue Foundation for your SaaS Business.

We also build culture and embed a method for ensuring talent emerges over time. By following what works you could have hires (like people we have put into SaaS companies) who are still there 10 years later (still outperforming their peers and the market).


Hands on Success

Simon has a string of successes over the past 15 years and currently is Chief Revenue Officer for a world leading SaaS business specialising in Information Architecture.

He began his SaaS career selling governance SaaS solutions to the world's largest companies in London in 2007.

While there he mastered SaaS sales, breaking company records for the contract value and the length of contracts, while expanding the offering throughout UK, Europe, Middle East and Africa (today a $4bn business).

He has also been a Founder of a world-leading Artificial Intelligence business where he signed a $3-$5m SaaS deal and the business listed on the London Stock Exchange.

In all of these roles he has sold premium SaaS solutions and helped build a global category leader.

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Crafting a Juggernaut Team

We believe a team can become a Revenue Juggernaut (outselling its own expectations) but it takes guard-rails and practises that both leave revenue teams to their own devices and bring them back into the fold for consolidation, learning and renewing. 

The team cultures Simon has experienced over the last 15 years has helped him identify what are the important ingredients for building a powerful team culture and creating a Revenue Juggernaut (that is simply unstoppable).

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Shifting Up To The Highest Level

There is always another Revenue mountain to climb.

We aim to give you the best guidance, practises and hands-on application to take your Revenue Team and lift it to the highest level possible.

Simon went from SaaS Sales to be the co-founder of one of the world’s most incredible Artificial Intelligence companies (now due to list on the NYSE). 

Simon’s herculean task there was to take an embryonic and fledgling commercial relationship with a Global Corporation and re-engineer that into a Multi-Million Dollar ARR deal.

Whatever you're facing, Simon can give you a perspective and your team training to achieve strategic wins and immediate improvements.

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The SaaS Elevator Revenue Clinic outline:

Stage One: The Kick-Off Call

After identifying the focus of the Clinic and the outcomes prior to the call, this is call to plan out the next stage.  The initial online kick-off meeting ensures everyone is aligned on the goal and the 2 day Immersion is planned with the appropriate people available.

Stage Two: The Immersion

The Two Day Immersion (typically starting with a 7am breakfast and finishing around 7pm) is a chance to hear from a variety of voices in the business about the Revenue function and the interconnections with other parts of the business.  This formulates the foundation for the SaaS Elevator Revenue Clinic.

Stage Three: The In-Depth Recommendations

At the end of the Immersion you will get a set of In-Depth Recommendations. There will be a proposal for how to execute on the Recommendations to get the desired results.  This could include group training, individual training, working on specific collateral, systems or processes to enhance the 5 machines that increase revenue within a SaaS business.

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